75+ Ice Cream Pick Up Lines to Gift Your Secret Love

Want ice cream pick up lines for people having a strong affinity? Get flirty choices of unique flavors so one day you will share scoops of the same ice cream. People who love ice cream tend to have different opinions on what makes the perfect flavor. Some people might prefer a sweet flavor while others might prefer a more intense one. Everyone can agree that ice cream is one of the most classic and delicious treats around regardless of personal preference.


Not liking ice cream is the same as being uninterested in heaven’s grace.

There is no secret that adults love ice cream pick up lines. Many adults enjoy ice cream, particularly in the summertime. It is a favorite treat to indulge in on hot days. Regardless of why there’s no denying that adults love ice cream pick up lines. Some find offering ice cream a great way to open up new conversations breaking creepy silence. Ice cream is also a perfect way to cool down on a hot day. But why is ice cream so popular among adults? There are ten reasons:

  • endless amounts of flavors.
  • great way to cool down after a hot day.
  • makes your sadness go away.
  • goes with everything.
  • lasts a long time.
  • enjoy delicious treats any time of the day or night.
  • can eat ice cream anywhere.
  • can make ice cream at home.
  • soothes sore throats.
  • good during every season.

Billions of people across the world every day indulge in ice cream. There are a variety of different ice creams to choose from, so everyone can find something they love. Find the psychological connections to create a long-term relationship. The creamy treat is enjoyed for its many benefits, including weight loss, improved moods, and reduced inflammation. Some people enjoy the taste, while others enjoy the health benefits.

Ice Cream Pick Up Lines

Best ice cream pick up lines are the perfect way to catch your Crush’s attention. So what are you waiting for? Put on your sundae dress and go pick up some sweet love.

  • One scoop of me, plus one scoop of you, equals a big bowl of cute.
  • You know what would be really cute? A big bowl with one scoop of you and one scoop of me.
  • Hey babe, I recommend some of my fries to go with that milk shake.
  • You put the ‘hot’ in hot fudge sundae.
  • Can I double stuff your ice cream sandwich?
  • Seeing you makes me feel like my banana is getting split, my cream is getting whipped and my spoon is getting licked.
  • How would you like to handle my 8″ popsicle?
  • Baby, I want you to be the Baskin to my Robbins, the Ben to my Jerry, my Dairy Queen of Queens.
  • If you’re rocky road, I’d still love to pave you.
  • Hey baby, do you know you can’t spell ICE CREAM WITHOUT M-E.
  • You can’t spell Ice Cream without ‘M-E’!
  • It must be hot in here, because you’re making me melt.
  • You must be frozen yogurt, because I want to spoon you.
  • You must be Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich, because I want to lick you your smooth cookies n’ cream filling.
  • Even if you are as cold as a gelato treat, I’ll make you as warm as a painting of a beautiful sunset.
  • You’re so smooth you’re making me lose my chips!
  • If you were a task on my list to get ice cream, I’d do you all day.
  • Your like 7-11 everyone gets a slurp and I think its my turn
  • I like my women, like I like my ice cream, fat free and dripping down my fingers.
  • Some say they’re sprinkles, some call it jimmies. I see them as obstacles on my way to your heart.
  • How about I dip my frozen yogurt in your hot fudge?
  • Would you mind if my frozen yogurt takes a dip in your hot fudge?
  • You are like the sprinkles on my ice cream.
  • Q: How did Reese eat her ice cream? A: Witherspoon.
  • You’re the mini-cherry on top of the regular cherry on top of the sundae of awesomeness that is my life.
  • I am absolutely NUTS for you. I must be made of pecan pralines.
  • If you were ice cream, I’m sure you would be my favorite flavor.
  • You’re irresistible, just like a bowl of ice cream; I have to spoon you.
  • Let’s play a game of ice cream flavors. You’ll pretend to be vanilla, I’ll be chocolate so we can swirl.
  • You must be a gelato, because you make ice creams look bad.
  • Let’s just add some marshmallows and crinkles to our love and our story would be perfect.
  • I got ice cream upstairs. Wanna f*ck?
  • I must be made of pecan pralines, because I am NUTS for you!
  • I’ll be the Burger King, and you’ll be the Dairy Queen, You treat me right, and I’ll do it your way.
  • I love you more than ice cream.
  • If you were ice cream, you would be my favorite flavor.
  • Call me a dentist, because you are too sweet.
  • Q: What did the newspaper say to the ice cream? A: What’s the scoop
  • We should linger in these sweet moments and let our taste buds explode with the flavor of our love.
  • Are you made of ice cream? Because I can’t wait to eat you up!
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Cheesy Ice Cream Pick Up Lines

Hoping to strike up ice cream pick up lines in a conversation with that special someone? These cheesy ice cream-inspired lines will definitely get the job done.

  • You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae.
  • Come on baby, s#x is like ice cream: Even if it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.
  • Every time I see you, I feel my cream get whipped, my banana get split, and my spoon get licked.
  • Baby, you must’ve just been churned, because you are looking so fresh.
  • Are you Choco Taco? Because everyone wants you.
  • When it comes to building our own sundae, I say we hold the cherry, and each other.
  • I brought you a small spoon, in case you wanted to sample my flavor.
  • Cone me baby.
  • Your nice ice cream smile is all the sweetness I need in this world filled with bitterness.
  • Can I have a waffle cone and 2 scoops of you?
  • When you smile, I smile because I know what you’re thinking: Ice cream!
  • If you are an ice cream lawyer, then I will always want to get served.
  • I have a 10″ ice cream cone baby, why don’t you lick it?
  • Hot fudge sundae would be meaningless without you.
  • Your smoothness is making me lose my chips.
  • I scream, you scream, we both scream because we were meant to be together.
  • I-scream, you scream, we scream, because we are meant to mix together.
  • Baby, I need a dentist because you are too sweet.
  • Q: How do astronauts eat their ice creams? A: In floats!
  • Your serve is so soft, but your cone is so firm.
  • I’m not here to play mind games. Except brain freeze.
  • Hey baby you want to share a banana split? Split your legs and let me pop your cherry.
  • I love you more than I love ice cream.
  • You are on my list of things I’d do for a Klondike bar.
  • When I’m with you, the atmosphere tastes like some nice ice cream cake.
  • You’re so hot, you make me melt away.
  • Have you even seen a 10 inch cone before? Wanna lick mine?
  • Our legs are like banana split, I want to spread them and eat the creamy good stuff in the middle.
  • Baby, how can you look so fresh? Were you churned.
  • Do you like frozen yogurt/ice cream? Because you have it around your lips.
  • Do you like cherry on top? If not can I have yours?
  • Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a bowl of ice cream by its diameter? A: Pi a’la mode.
  • Q: Why don’t they make ice cream from breast milk? A: It’s an utterly bad idea!
  • Take me along on your ice cream van and I’ll never come down.
  • Hey baby, I brought a spoon over in case you are interested in tasting my flavor.
  • What is the difference between gelato and ice cream?
  • You could never be ice cream, because you are too hot!
  • If you’re Rocky Road, then I would love to pave you.
  • If you were a frozen yogurt flavor which flavor would you be? Salted caramel. Salted caramel? You were supposed to say vanilla, I was gonna say chocolate and then I was gonna say we should swirl sometime.
  • Lick me, I’m mint!
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Reader’s Choice:

• 75+ Cheesy Pick Up Lines

Wrap Up

The ice cream pickup lines can be a fun and creative way to get someone to talk to you. They’re also a great way to show that you’re interested in the person and want to get to know them. So, if you’re looking for a good ice cream pick up lines, try out some of these ideas!

Allison Wagner

Hi, my name is Allison Wagner. Completing my MBA from Standford University in 1997 and BTech from Harvard University in 1995, now I am a… More »

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