100+ Spicy Never Have I Ever Questions You Must Try

Looking for some creative never have I ever questions that you can ask your friends? The list of unusual questions is not what you will expect.


Do you have a thirst for mischief and adventure? Challenge your friends with classic and creative Never Have I Ever questions and see who stands out as the craziest among you!

Not sure where to start? You’ve come to the right place.

We’re here to guide you through the basics and provide you with enough inventive never have I ever questions to make your next game night a smashing success. Let’s get this party started and try also Would You Rather Questions and Put a Finger Down Questions!

Never have I ever questions are a great way to get to know your friends better and break the ice.

They can also be a lot of fun, especially if you come up with creative and challenging questions.

How To Play The Never Have I Ever Questions Game?

The rules of “Never have I ever” have been around for generations and have provided an exciting and engaging way to have a lively game night with friends.

As you may already know, this game requires a group of players and a few simple guidelines in order to make sure everyone has fun.

  • Remember that players must take turns sharing something they have never done before. This can be anything from relatively mundane experiences to more risqué confessions. The key is to make sure that whatever you share is something you haven’t done, otherwise, it defeats the purpose of the game.
  • Players can take turns going around the circle and sharing, or everyone can share at the same time. If someone has done the thing that you said you’ve never done, they have to take a drink!
  • To make the game more interesting, players can come up with their own rules to add to the game. For example, players can agree to only share things that have happened in the past year, or players can make the game more personal by sharing only things that have happened to them.

How Can You Make Never Have I Ever More Fun And Interesting?

Drinking is not required to play the game, but it is often seen as part of the fun.

If players are not drinking, they can still partake in the game by using any other form of marker, such as chips, candy, or pencils.

READ:  10 Questions To Ask Your Unfaithful Spouse or New Partner

The markers represent drinks, and at the end of the game, the player with the most markers is the loser.

This is usually the person who has had to drink the most, but it can also be the person who has had the least amount of interesting experiences!

The sky is the limit when it comes to making “Never have I ever” your own, so get creative and have fun!

Spicy Never Have I Ever Questions

Looking for something a little more exciting than your usual game of Never Have I Ever?

If you’re ready to take your group of friends to the next level, then you’ll love these spicy Never Have I Ever questions.

These questions are designed to spark some real and honest conversations.

Be warned they definitely aren’t for the faint of heart and will leave you with some lasting memories!

  • Never have I ever said ‘I love you’ when I didn’t mean it
  • Never have I ever ruined an item of clothing I borrowed from a friend
  • Never have I ever Googled myself
  • Never have I ever paid for a gym class and not attended
  • Never have I ever run out on a meal without paying
  • Never have I ever gone skinny dipping
  • Never have I ever gone back to an ex
  • Never have I ever had a threesome
  • Never have I ever catfished someone
  • Never have I ever Googled my own name
  • Never have I ever stood someone up on a date
  • Never have I ever slept with a co-worker
  • Never have I ever not worn underwear on a night out
  • Never have I ever been to a nudist beach
  • Never have I ever told someone’s secret
  • Never have I ever been to a sex shop
  • Never have I ever ghosted someone
  • Never have I ever cooked drunk and burnt the food
  • Never have I ever traveled solo
  • Never have I ever snuck into a festival or club
  • Never have I ever kissed a friend’s sibling
  • Never have I ever broken the law
  • Never have I ever laughed so hard I spit out my drink
  • Never have I ever played strip poker
  • Never have I ever had a one night stand
  • Never have I ever said the wrong name in bed
  • Never have I ever skipped class
  • Never have I ever lied about leaving the club early
  • Never have I ever dined and dashed
  • Never have I ever lied to my boss
  • Never have I ever not eaten before a night out to get more drunk
  • Never have I ever fancied someone in this room
  • Never have I ever been cheated on
  • Never have I ever had a sex fantasy
  • Never have I ever got a tattoo
  • Never have I ever been refused entry to a club
  • Never have I ever Googled sex positions
  • Never have I ever spent more than £200 on a night out
  • Never have I ever pretended to be on the phone
  • Never have I ever returned something after I’d already worn it
Never Have I Ever Questions

Confidential Never Have I Ever Questions

  • Never have I ever done the walk of shame
  • Never have I ever got drunkenly locked out of my house
  • Never have I ever used a fake ID to get into a club
  • Never have I ever recreated the I’m a Celeb eating trial
  • Never have I ever ignored someone I knew in public
  • Never have I ever lied in this game
  • Never have I ever created a fake Instagram
  • Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone the people in this room know
  • Never have I ever been sick on my friend
  • Never have I ever gone on a blind date
  • Never have I ever fancied a friend’s parent
  • Never have I ever given a fake name
  • Never have I ever dumped someone over text
  • Never have I ever got a tattoo I regretted
  • Never have I ever been sick on public transport
  • Never have I ever snuck someone into the house
  • Never have I ever ghosted someone for something tiny and unimportant
  • Never have I ever stayed up all night
  • Never have I ever got with someone without knowing their name
  • Never have I ever eaten leftover food from another table at a restaurant
  • Never have I ever had a speeding ticket
  • Never have I ever stalked an ex’s new partner on social media
  • Never have I ever cheated on anyone
  • Never have I ever used handcuffs or something similar
  • Never have I ever pretended to be someone else
  • Never have I ever given someone a sexy nickname
  • Never have I ever been ‘walked in on’ while having sex
  • Never have I ever had a holiday romance
  • Never have I ever re-gifted a present I didn’t want
  • Never have I ever sent a sexy selfie
  • Never have I ever pulled an all nighter
  • Never have I ever acted out my sex fantasy
  • Never have I ever been sick on someone else
  • Never have I ever been mugged
  • Never have I ever had a friend with benefits
  • Never have I ever cheated on a test or exam
  • Never have I ever had to hide a love bite
  • Never have I ever role-played in bed
  • Never have I ever slept with someone whose name I don’t know
  • Never have I ever peed in public
Never Have I Ever Questions

Shocking Never Have I Ever Questions

  • Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone else when I was in a relationship
  • Never have I ever kissed a celebrity
  • Never have I ever done a nude streak in public
  • Never have I ever trespassed
  • Never have I ever caught my parents having sex
  • Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person
  • Never have I ever texted an ex out of nowhere
  • Never have I ever seen a ghost
  • Never have I ever edited my selfies
  • Never have I ever faked an orgasm
  • Never have I ever broken a bone
  • Never have I ever gone out with a friend’s ex
  • Never have I ever lied about kissing someone
  • Never have I ever lied on a dating app
  • Never have I ever been caught by my parents having sex
  • Never have I ever fake-cried to get something
  • Never have I ever lied to someone in this room
  • Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar or club
  • Never have I ever met a celebrity
  • Never have I ever had sex in the sea/a swimming pool
  • Never have I ever sent a nude picture or video
  • Never have I ever given or received a lap dance
  • Never have I ever lied to get out of going to work
  • Never have I ever sleepwalked
  • Never have I ever joined the ‘mile high’ club
  • Never have I ever peed in the shower
  • Never have I ever forgotten a friend’s birthday
  • Never have I ever used someone else’s Netflix account
  • Never have I ever used a pick up line
  • Never have I ever hitchhiked a ride
  • Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush
  • Never have I ever looked through my partner’s phone
  • Never have I ever read an entire book in a day
  • Never have I ever DMed a celebrity
  • Never have I ever flashed someone
  • Never have I ever slipped into someone’s DMs
  • Never have I ever eaten food off a partner
  • Never have I ever sucked my partner’s toes
  • Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone in this room
  • Never have I ever toilet-papered someone’s house
  • Never have I ever had sex in a public place
  • Never have I ever had a favourite sex toy
  • Never have I ever shoplifted
  • Never have I ever had a sexy nickname
  • Never have I ever stolen anything
Never Have I Ever Questions
© HonRW.com

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Wrap Up

Look no further if you have ever wanted to throw a killer game night with your friends or family.

The collection we gave you is the best never have I ever questions to supercharge your social gathering.

All these questions range from lighthearted and silly to daring and thought-provoking, perfect for everyone at the table. So kick back and let the games begin!

Allison Wagner

Hi, my name is Allison Wagner. Completing my MBA from Standford University in 1997 and BTech from Harvard University in 1995, now I am a… More »

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