7 Ways to Deal Saying I Love You and Not Hearing it Back

Nothing is more traumatizing than saying I Love You and not hearing it back. Take a dig to find out the exact reasons behind your Lover’s complete silence. Hearing crickets after finally taking the courage to propose is crushing. Even though it is not an obvious rejection. Still how long can you love someone who doesn’t love you back?



  • Need More Time – The space required to accept the proposal may vary on age and circumstances. Some get to know on the first date they’ve found the one. Most take time before they engage. In spite of dating them for a few months or a decade. A happy Relationship needs more than time spent together.
  • Already Committed – Many times one proposes someone secretly committed. Matured couples do not want to show off their relationship status. Your sudden proposal may leave “the one” speechless. Neither one can cheat on a relationship or say the truth for fear of losing a friend.
  • Unrequited Love – A form of love that is not returned. When you love someone but they don’t love you back. Unrequited love can leave us hurt, sad, and ashamed. Be honest with yourself. No shame in investing love and expecting a return. Steer your life in a better direction.

A good human will explain and will never leave you seen. Not answering shows a lack of maturity. Don’t assume all silence with a negative context. Some people are too shy to say anything and leave your proposal seen. Make sure to spend some relaxing time alone after the proposal with your partner. Enjoy the fact that you’re a good friend.

Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full. –Rumi

Most happy couples date for at least two years before getting engaged. Some even date for anywhere from two to five years. The average length of a marriage after the proposal is between 12 and 18 months. Do not rush as 20% of all wedding relationships are called off. There is no right or wrong amount of time to wait before getting engaged in reality.

How To Deal with Saying I Love You and Not Hearing it Back?

First “I love yous” can be emotional. Telling someone you love them might be terrifying. It frightens you because they can depart or break your heart. Now not hearing “I love you” back can be very stressing. Love is complex. If the other person disagrees, it’s worse. You can’t change another person’s feelings, but you can be prepared. Proposal is a big step in every relationship because we dread the response. Not hearing “I love you” is painful, but you can recover. Now it’s time for your “I love you” anecdote:

a. Don’t Let It Discourage You

Don’t be discouraged You don’t let not hearing “I love you” discourage future expression. Love has diverse connotations, so some people say it often and others rarely. How you feel about the other person and their willingness to keep commitments are key. Actions speak louder than words.

b. Be Grateful For The Connection

Practicing thankfulness and reflecting on what you have helps you get past problems. Consider your partner’s relationship. What about them attracted you? Why do you adore them? If your partner has a good reason for not saying ‘I love you,’ the problem is moot. It may be fine not to hear I love you from a spouse who exhibits a lot of love through acts of kindness and physical demonstrations. When partners have a profound relationship, “I love you” is inscribed into their daily experiences.

c. Give Some Time To Process

It’s vital to let someone process when you tell them you love them and they don’t respond. When you say “I love you” for the first time, you shouldn’t expect a response. We all display love differently and at different times. Your partner may be wary of falling in love due to past experiences or just more comfortable showing you. People who have been damaged by meaningful relationships may be reluctant to experience love and express it verbally. If “I love you” wasn’t expressed often or ever in your home, you may be less likely to say it when your partner does. Give them time to comprehend whatever happened.

d. Honor Your Own Feelings

After talking to your partner about why they’re not expressing “I love you” honour their feelings. Don’t push or change someone who has trouble pronouncing the words.
But respect your own feelings. If hearing “I love you” is vital for your relationship stability, you may need to reconsider if this is the correct person for you. Trust that your love is best suited for someone who can appreciate it.

e. Leave The Issue For A While

Remember that everyone is different when someone doesn’t return your affection. One person will fall in love faster than the other, says Boyer. This doesn’t mean your partner doesn’t care about you or that you’ll always be more committed. Feel things out first. Understand that you’ve overplayed your hand and decide what to do next. Don’t compel your partner to answer or make passive-aggressive jokes.

f. Stay Calm

Pushing the subject or questioning their response puts your partner on the defensive. Avoid rushing to judgment. Not immediately reciprocating isn’t necessarily a warning indicator. Your spouse may not have an answer. It’s natural for one person saying I Love You and not hearing it back. It’s easy to beat yourself up when someone doesn’t return your affection. You’re only human. It’s nice when your spouse reciprocates, but that doesn’t imply you were incorrect to express yourself. Be glad that you finally said it; not everyone is as brave.

g. Focus On Your Life Goals

Sometimes words flow unintentionally. If you tell your lover, “I love you!” and they don’t say it back, move on. If it helps, pretend you never spoke. Ignoring it tells people how you feel. It’s planted. They’ll answer quickly. Partners who don’t say “I love you” often show love in other ways. For partners with unresolved love-related scars, saying “I love you” can provoke underlying worries of emotional suffering. Learning about your partner might help you overcome anxieties regarding his or her sentiments.

Saying I Love You And Not Hearing It Back
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Wrap Up

How about you work on yourself so well that you leave no choice except to say “Yes”. Humans opt-in the opportunity when they see the value and have a fear of losing it. Thank you for sharing saying I love you and not hearing it back with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Brenda Hannor

Brenda Honnor aims to share actionable tips to revitalize relationships. She has a Master’s degree in Human Psychology and a Ph.D. in marriage counseling. Brenda… More »

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